Gutter Cleaning

Your gutter system removes rain water, snow & leaf debris from your roof. When the system becomes damaged or is functioning incorrectly, problems can occur that can cause leaking and damage to the interior and exterior of your home.
We specialize in repairing all components of your gutter system.

Gutter Medics performs over 5,000 gutter cleanings every year. Our technicians are trained to service and clean all parts of your gutter system. Our service is neat and complete. We clean out the debris from your gutters and downspouts by hand.

Commitment To Quality & Safety

Don’t risk your safety trying to clean your own gutters. We are committed to quality and safety in everything we do. We take pride in a neat and clean process. We want to leave you impressed. Don’t trust your home to the local neighborhood kid. Call the professionals and have the job done thoroughly and done right.

The Best Gutter Cleaning Services

We will leave your property as neat, clean, and orderly as possible, with debris raked or blown into a common area so it can be easily bagged for your trash day. Not into bagging? We can do the bagging for you, and take it away, just ask us!

Did you know that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends cleaning your gutters and downspouts on a regular basis?

Ultra Clean Yard Guaranteed!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends cleaning your gutters and downspouts on a regular basis?

The CDC has reported that standing water in your yard is a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes and their eggs, and as a result, the West Nile Virus. What around your home might have standing water in it? You guessed it, your gutters. They can hold water if they haven’t been cleaned, your downspouts are clogged or blocked, or if the pitch of your gutter is not correct.

The CDC recommends cleaning your gutters and downspouts on a regular basis in an effort to eliminate any standing water around your home. In addition, they recommend you empty any small child type pools, water cans, or buckets after use.

For more information log onto the CDC’s web site at:, choose Health Topics A-Z, then select West Nile Virus.

Just contact us with the problem, and most likely we will have a solution.