Gutter Screening
Gutter Screening
Gutter screens are screens that sit over your gutters. They either lie on top, clip-on or attach to the gutter and have holes that allow water to pass while preventing debris from entering the gutter. There are many styles and materials available, but they all function the same.
Gutter screens can come in a variety of materials. Some are permanently installed and others can be removed easily. We offer several types of gutters and downspouts.
Talk to us about the pros and cons of screening and see if gutter guards are right for your home.
The Best Gutter Screening Services
All Gutter Medics technicians are highly trained and employees of the company (not sub-contractors).
This means that the skilled employees working at your home are covered with Liability Insurance as well as Workers’ Compensation Insurance.
In fact, our insurance coverage is double that of the basic requirement in the state of Illinois. We do this for your peace of mind.